Minimum Requirements for Each Individual
- Submit 9+ well-edited individual blog entries of 2 or more paragraphs. Length: 7+ sentences each paragraph.
- Respond via comment to 9+ different blog entries (spread across all other team blogs). Length: 7+ sentences each.
- Keep track of all contributions to the team via an individual Google Docs spreadsheet (and add to the team spreadsheet).
- Submit — at the end of the project — all of the following: a) individual contributions spreadsheet; b) a record of all team contributions.
- Submit — at the end of the project — a typed 1+ page analysis of what you learned and how you contributed to the team’s success.
- Use the class time together appropriately at all times.
- Use the Internet appropriately at all times (including the links submitted).
- Accurately cite/give accurate credit to all resources (print, on-line, movie, etc) that are used in blog entries or as sidebar links/resources.
- Keep up with the reading. Quizzes may take place on any ‘due’ date on the reading calendar.
- Participate appropriately within your team at all times.
All students will receive separate grades based on the 3 following categories:
1. Individually:
- meeting minimum # of submissions
- quality of submissions as assessed with adapted PAT writing scoring guide (multiple categories)
- 1+-page review upon conclusion of project
- insight and thoughtful inquiry demonstrated through round table conversations
- spreadsheet (or similar) detailing all contributions upon conclusion of project
- participation (observations, conversations, peer and self assessment, spreadsheet record of contributions)
2. Enhancing & Supporting Community:
- fact-checking / editing all individual & team submissions; checking the validity / appropriateness of all links to be put on web site; reviewing all in-coming comments by other teams
- communicating regularly with Mrs. Waite & Ms. Groeller re: team submissions and needs / questions
- maintaining editor’s records spreadsheet via Google Docs for all individual / team submissions
- appropriate participation/leadership
3. Group Blog/Product:
- overall design and content management
- organization
- public value/perception of final product
- appropriate content/links
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